2000-2002--From English Teacher to Library Student

Winchester High School

Simmons College Graduate School

The Charles River

Gondola Ride Duckboat Crew Practice

Boat Magic

Vacation time, hip,hip,hooray!
0, wait a minute, Ach, weh! Ach, weh!
She's got to study, to go to class.
Mix school and vacation? What a morass!
No, wait a minute, they've got a boat
To keep school and holiday both afloat.
They'll cruise to Boston, they'll moor on the Charles,
And she'll walk to Simmons, a brisk three miles.
He'll stroll in the sun, and eat dim sum.
She'll strum on her laptop, tum-dee-dum-dum.
(She's very lucky it's 520 R
And not cataloging or LIS 304,
Where her Laptop just wouldn't help at all,
And her grades at Simmons would certainly fall.)
But just at their mooring, a tempest was sent.
Thunder and lightning, rain and wind,
Tossed them and tangled them end to end
With another boat--the scene was grim.
Then Prospero's magic worked its charm.
A double rainbow followed the storm.
While feasting by candlelight on the boat,
Hearing magical music seeming to float
Across the river, from the old Hatch Shell
Their souls soared as high as Ariel.

The Emerald Necklace

Walking to Simmons Fens sign Walking Back to Boat

"Be not afeard. The isle is full of noises,
Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices
That if I then had waked after long sleep
Will make me sleep again; and then in dreaming
The clouds methought would open and show riches
Ready to drop upon me, that when I waked
I cried to dream again."
  --The Tempest, III.ii, William Shakespeare
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